S.O.T.A. 板信息

The board is made up of 17 positions. Some of the positions have the flexibility to be co-chaired and that is solely up to the current board 成员s discretion. 标题 and descriptions of the positions are as follows:


Directs and heads board meetings. Meets regularly with the S.O.T.A. 董事会教员 代表.


Second to the chairperson. Leads board meeting if chairperson is not there. 椅子 fundraising committee and organizes activities like the car wash and sweatshirts sales.


Has direct access to the S.O.T.A. 账户. In charge of deposits and withdrawals. Receives 成员ship dues and responsible for issuing 成员ship cards. 监控现金 S内流.O.T.A. 账户. Reports to board on financial status.


Records the board meetings and posts the minutes weekly on the S.O.T.A. 公告栏.


Plans and implements activities aimed to please the special and social interests of OT学生.


Organizes and leads important volunteer and community service projects of SOTA.


Publicizes information about upcoming S.O.T.A. events, responsible for decorating the OT display cases in the Central Classroom Building, and for publishing our monthly, in-house Therapeutic Thought newsletter.


An important link between the faculty 学生们. Attends the faculty meetings and relays important and relevant information concerning the students to the board. Also takes concerns or issues to the faculty meetings from the S.O.T.A. 董事会和 the general student population. Means to be, if needed, a carrier for private issues from individual students.


Maintains close correspondence with OTAC and the Santa Clara Chapter here in San Jose. Attends Chapter OTAC meetings and reports to the board regarding topics. 广告 monthly OTAC meetings and current events that students are encouraged to attend.


Serves as a liaison between the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and SOTA. Educates the student population about current operations and focus of the national 组织.


Attends board meetings and reports information back to the students not yet taking 主修课程. This position is usually co-chaired because of the large number of Pre-OT students on campus.

Pattern/Track Representatives

Attends the board meetings and reports back to the track and also brings concerns or questions to the board from the track. A very important link between the board 学生们.

Webmaster and Social Networking 主席

Maintains the SOTA website and social networking media. Ensures all information on the website and social networking media is up to date and accurate.


Organizes and implements educational projects and workshops pertinent to the OT profession. (eg, BLS workshop, Clients' who identify as LGBTQIA+, etc.)

Elections for the positions are held in April. All positions are a year long, except for the track 代表 positions, which are 一个 semester, and therefore not available to those students in the third or fourth tracks. All persons running for a board position must be a S.O.T.A. 成员. Pre-OT students can hold only the Pre-OT 代表的位置.