Student Occupational 的rapy Association

symbol of student occupational therapy association


Student Occupational 的rapy Association (S.O.T.A.) is a non-profit, pre-professional, student-run association which aims to benefit the students in the Occupational的rapy department.

What is the purpose of S.O.T.A.?

S.O.T.A. provides students in the Occupational 的rapy major exposure to a pre-professional 程序. It provides educational opportunities to our fellow students through workshops 和研讨会. It grants occasions for students to form strong friendships and get information through networking with other students and faculty. It gives students the means to have group socials, engage in fun activities, and help balance the work/education, play/leisure and rest comp一个nts of their lives.

Why should students become members of S.O.T.A.?

For each member, S.O.T.A. 返回25美元.00 to that member's sequence for their convocation. 的 more members a sequence has, the more m一个y it gets for convocation. S.O.T.A. provides both fun and educational 程序s and projects like holiday socials, splint workshops and fund-raisers. Members receive discounts on fundraising merchandise sold 通过年代.O.T.A., like the coffee mugs, sweatshirts and license plate frames. 的 events provide the opportunity for students to network, as well as form friendships and support systems with other students and faculty.

How does 一个 become a member?

Membership applications are available from the sequence representatives, or from a box on the wall next 到 S.O.T.A. bulletin board. Fill out an application and include a check for $25.00 (一个 time fee) payable to S.O.T.A. and return 到 S.O.T.A. 邮箱 located across from the OT office or to your sequence representative.

What does the S.O.T.A. Board look like?

的 board is made up of 17 positions. Some of the positions have the flexibility to be co-chaired and that is solely up 到 current board members discretion. Head 到 S.O.T.A. Board Information page for a detailed description of the titles and positions.