
ME 奖学金 Opportunities

We are now accepting applications for our Spring 2024 奖学金. 看到我们的 Call for Applications [pdf] to learn more about available scholarships!

COE 奖学金 Page

Check the College of 工程 scholarship 网站 for details about internal and external scholarships that are available. 内部 scholarships mostly have due dates in the spring. Extenral scholarshops have a variety 的最后期限.

Undergrads: Nordson BUILDS 奖学金 Program Applications Open

Students seeking bachelor’s degrees must have at least 3.0 cumulative GPA. The scholarships range from $2,000 to $10,000 and scholarship recipients get exclusive access to internship and employment opportunities after graduation. Learn more about the 程序 and apply 在他们的 网站. The application deadline is May 15 of each year. 

Former 奖学金 Recipients

查看 list of 2023 奖学金 Recipients [pdf].

查看 list of 2022 奖学金 Recipients [pdf].

查看 list of 2021 奖学金 Recipients [pdf].

查看 list of 2020 奖学金 Recipients [pdf]

View a list of 2019 and prior 奖学金 Recipients [pdf].  

奖学金 Founders

black and white headshot of 菲利普·米. 布莱尔

菲利普·米. 布莱尔

Philip 布莱尔 served as a San José State University faculty member from 1957 to 1978. 菲利普M号. 布莱尔 Memorial 教育 Award was established by the Department of Mechanical 工程 in 1981.

black and white headshot of S. 布鲁克斯•沃尔顿

S. 布鲁克斯•沃尔顿

S. 布鲁克斯•沃尔顿 was San José State University's very first engineering faculty member, 1946年聘任. He was responsible for developing the 工程 Department's first courses in mechanical engineering, and was instrumental in establishing the Mechanical 工程 Department, which he chaired from 1958 to 1961.

的年代. 布鲁克斯•沃尔顿 奖学金 Award for ME graduate of the year was established in 1981 to recognize the outstanding graduate-of-the-year in the Mechanical 工程 程序. $500 is awarded to an outstanding Mechanical 工程 graduate, as nominated and selected by ME faculty.

的年代. 布鲁克斯•沃尔顿 奖学金 Awards were established in 1981 to recognize two deserving and promising students in Mechanical 工程.

color portrait of 大卫. 棕色(的)

大卫. 棕色(的)

大卫•布朗 is an alumnus of San José State University and among his distinctions is the founding of Quantum Corporation, a disk drive manufacturing company.
The 大卫•布朗 Fellowship in Mechatronics was established in 1996 to promote the professional development of the recipient in the area of Mechatronics, and to advance the development of the Mechatronics 程序 at San José State University. 收件人 of the $2000 award is expected to contribute to mechatronics laboratory development and laboratory instruction during the fellowship year.

Color photo of 罗伯特一个. 方式

罗伯特一个. 方式

Robert 方式’ life embodied the Latin phrase “Mens et Manus” (Minds and Hands). 这 saying, the MIT motto, is followed by engineers everywhere and urges them to use their education to create and build things in the real world. The breadth and depth of Robert’s professional and personal interests is ample proof of this philosophy in action.

After completing his BSME at San Jose State, Robert had a long and successful career 在工业. Starting out as a junior engineer designing, testing and machining parts himself, he progressed to roles of progressively higher responsibility in engineering and engineering management. He worked at both large and small companies, most notably Life Technologies, Ichor and Care Fusion before joining NOVO 工程 in 2017.

It was at NOVO that Robert arguably found his true home-- surrounded by like-minded folks who respected and admired his abilities and enjoyed his sense of humor and adventurous approach to life.

Robert was much more than just an engineer. He was a devoted father and applied his engineering principles and logic to his children’s life and education. He was involved in a wide range of hobbies including motorsports with cars and motorcycles, brewing and guitar playing. As his friends and colleagues will observe, he brought his unique engineering attitude to each of these activities and delighted them with his keen insights and observations.

We hope the recipients of the 罗伯特一个. 方式 Memorial scholarship will honor Robert’s memory by living with honor and integrity and by putting their education to the best practical use possible for society.

这 memorial message was provided by Dr. Rajan Ramaswamy, President and CTO of Novo 工程.

color headshot of 弗朗西斯黄


弗朗西斯黄 was a professor of Mechanical 工程 at San José State University from 1958 to1991, and served as department chair from 1973 to 1981. 他也是一个 alumnus of 菠菜网lol正规平台, having earned his BS in Production 工程 from 菠菜网lol正规平台 in 1951 followed by earning an MSME in Mechanical 工程 from Stanford University in 1952 and a 教授essional Mechanical 工程 degree from Columbia University in 1964. 教授. Huang worked as a Design and Production Engineer for the M. W. 凯洛格 Company from 1952 to 1958 before joining the faculty at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
The 弗朗西斯黄 Memorial 奖学金 in 工程 was established by his family in 2004, to provide a $500 scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Mechanical 工程 or Aerospace 工程.

color portrait on a background of leaves of Dr. 莫妮卡一. Kapil

Dr. 莫妮卡一. Kapil

Dr. 莫妮卡一. Kapil is a ME Department alumna and currently works as a Senior Research & Development Engineer at Gilead 科学s. Kapil
has helped found and fund the Gilead 科学s 奖学金 to recognize students in the Society of Latino Engineer or Scientists, the Black Alliance of Scientists & 工程师, and the MESA 工程 Program who have demonstrated strong academic performance, community service, or other outstanding personal accomplishments.

color headshot on red background of Andrew Lau-Seim

Andrew Lau-Seim

Andrew Lau-Seim is a graduate of the BSME 程序 at 菠菜网lol正规平台. He has established a scholarship to support ME students who are veterans, funding the Mechanical 工程 Veterans 奖学金.

color portrait of Donald Myronuk

Donald Myronuk

Donald Myronuk was a faculty member at San José State University from 1969 to 1992. He earned his BS and MA degrees from Queens University and his PhD in Mechanical 工程 from the University of Illinois. Among his unique areas of expertise were forensics engineering and accident reconstruction.
The Donald Myronuk Memorial 奖学金 Award was established by his family and friends in 2004 to provide $500 in educational support to a deserving and promising student who a junior, senior, or graduate student who is majoring in Mechanical 工程 and is a member of Pi Tau Sigma.

color headshot of 标志着. 帕斯夸里

标志着. 帕斯夸里

马克·帕斯夸里 is an alumnus of San Jose State University earning his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical 工程 in 1984. Mark had a successful career at Lockheed Martin initially working as a mechanisms designer before moving into leadership and ultimately becoming a Lockheed Martin Space Senior Executive. Being the first in his family to attend and graduate from College Mark is honored to pay it forward to the next generation of San Jose State Mechanical 工程 Students.