International New 贝多芬 Research Conference

CFP: Tenth International New 贝多芬 Research Conference
Conference dates: November 13–14, 2024
Venue: AMS Chicago, Palmer House Hilton Hotel
Submission deadline: 15 May 2014

The Tenth International New 贝多芬 Research Conference (丁腈橡胶 10) will
take place Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday morning, November 14,
in Chicago, prior to the annual meeting of the American Musicological
社会. We are seeking proposals concerning new work connected with
贝多芬. In recognition of the 200th anniversary of the premiere of the
Ninth Symphony in 2024, we especially invite proposals having to do with
this work in all its aspects. Presenters who did not give papers at the last
New 贝多芬 Research Conference (No. 9) will be given preference. 会谈
accepted for the AMS conference itself may not also be read at this year's

We invite submissions from musicologists, theorists, performers, and
scholars from other relevant disciplines to submit proposals for individual
papers, groups of papers, lecture/demonstrations, or lecture/performances. 论文 and presentations should not exceed 30 minutes. Additionally, ten minutes will be allotted for discussion.

请 submit an abstract of no more than 350 words as a PDF or Word
attachment to Julia Ronge at ronge@beethoven.到5月15日. 请
include a short biography (100 words) with your institutional affiliation or
status as independent scholar / performer and indicate technical and/or
keyboard requirements. Proposals should articulate the most important
aspects of the research, discuss the relationship of the new work to
previous scholarship, and describe the significance and potential future
usefulness of the findings.

Program decisions will be announced no later than June 15.

This conference is sponsored by the American 贝多芬 社会, the
University of Alabama, UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music, and a generous
private donation. Organizers: Joanna Biermann (em. UA), Julia Ronge
(贝多芬-Haus Bonn), Erica Buurman (爱尔兰共和军F. 才华横溢的 Center for

贝多芬 Studies, San José State University), William Kinderman (UCLA),
大卫·利维(em). Wake Forest University), William Meredith (em. 导演,
爱尔兰共和军F. 才华横溢的 Center for 贝多芬 Studies, San José State University),
Federica Rovelli (Università di Pavia), and John D. Wilson (Universität