
爱尔兰共和军F. 才华横溢的 Center for Beethoven Studies

电话: 408-808-2058

电子邮件: beethovencenter@bikinganteng.com 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 图书馆
5th Floor - Room 580
150 E San Fernando St.
San Jose, CA 95112

Beethoven Center 工作人员

Dr. 艾丽卡Buurman, Director

博士照片. 艾丽卡Buurman

艾丽卡.buurman@bikinganteng.com | 408-808-2426

Dr. 艾丽卡Buurman is Director of the Beethoven Center and editor of The Beethoven Journal and the Beethoven Newsletter. The Beethoven Journal is a scholarly journal devoted to new research on Beethoven while the Newsletter is dedicated to all topics relating to Beethoven. 博士联系. Buurman with inquiries about the administration of the Beethoven Center and major donations to the Center.   

Patricia Stroh, Curator

Photo of Patricia Stroh

帕特丽夏.stroh@bikinganteng.com |  408-808-2059

Patricia Stroh has been Curator at the Beethoven Center since 1986. Contact Patricia with inquiries regarding research visits to the Center, reference assistance, scheduling classes in the Center, use of the Center's collection, and access to the Beethoven 网关.

Eric Gjovaag, Public Service Coordinator 

Photo of Eric Gjovaag

埃里克.gjovaag@bikinganteng.com | 408-808-2056 

Eric Gjovaag is our Public Service Coordinator and has been with the Beethoven Center for the past ten years. Contact Eric in regards to scheduling and events, as well as any general questions you may have.

Janice Zelaya, Administrative 支持 Coordinator

Photo of Janice Zelaya

珍妮丝.zelaya@bikinganteng.com |  408-808-2058 

Janice Zelaya is the Administrative 支持 Coordinator for the Beethoven and Steinbeck 中心 and is in charge of assisting with day-to-day operations. Contact Janice if you have any general questions about the center. 

Peter Adams, Bill Palmer, and Douglas Tomm are currently the Beethoven Center's volunteers.

Volunteer Docents

博士照片. Richard Sogg at piano

Volunteer docents are available to give tours and answer questions during the Center's 开放时间.

Dr. Richard Sogg (pictured above) demonstrates the historical keyboard instruments on Wednesdays from 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society 工作人员

The Beethoven Center is also the headquarters for the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society and provides office space for the following staff:

  • Karin Brock, Administrator of the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society
  • Paul Ellison, President of the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society
  • Benjamin Bregman, Treasurer of the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society
  • Brian Holmes, Membership Secretary of the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society
  • Janice Zelaya, Bookkeeper of the Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society

参观 Am艾丽卡n Beethoven Society website or contact 邦妮Bamburg if you have questions about membership.

Student Assistants

  • Dyanne Wong is the current student assistant for the Beethoven Center.